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Feed Your Major Pippin Withdrawal with The 7 Fingers’ Sexy Séquence 8

Last updated April 9th, 2015 by Josh Ferri
Feed Your Major Pippin Withdrawal with The 7 Fingers’ Sexy …

It’s been months since the Tony Award-winning revival of Pippin packed up the tent and I’m still grieving. And no shade, but what made that production so magnificent was the contribution by Gypsy Snider and The 7 Fingers (Les 7 Doigts de la Main)— one of the world’s best-loved and most inventive contemporary circus companies.

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The group behind Broadway’s Pippin, the off-Broadway hit Traces and the lavish theatrical event Queen of the Night is back in New York with their latest jaw-dropping spectacle, Séquence 8. The NY premiere—playing New York City Center April 16-26—stars eight fearless (and super sexy!) performers redefining the word “circus” through a unique fusion of acrobatics, hip-hop, humor, and propulsive music. Below BroadwayBox spotlights 10 OMG, clutch-your-pearls moments we saw the first time we watched the Séquence 8 trailer.

1. That guy just went through the hoop backwards.

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2. How is she balancing that?!

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3. I’ll never look at seesaw the same way. Wow.

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4. That landing gets a graceful 10.

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5. NBD. Just a running jump through a hoop.

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6. How is this guy still standing?!

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7. #Same.

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8. That’s skill.

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9. I can’t even begin to think what kind of muscle control this involves and how I’ll never have it.

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10. This guy and the jumping through hoops. I can’t.

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Okay, now check out the full trailer for Séquence 8 and let them blow your mind live at New York City Center April 6-26; get your discount tickets today.
