Extra! Extra! Hey look at the headlines! Historical news is being made.
![Gypsy- GIF- Newsboys- Extra Extra GIF-](https://img.broadwaybox.com/photo/image/Gypsy_1.gif)
For over 10 years, BroadwayBox has made its name in discount tickets to Broadway and off-Broadway shows. You want a discount, we got it. No membership, no sign-in, just codes. And ,unlike others, we let you pick your seats.
![And That's Shade GIF- Shade GIF](https://img.broadwaybox.com/photo/image/shade_gif.gif)
Then we added in content, The Daily Scoop. Daily interviews, tons of GIFs, hour-long YouTube spirals—it’s all there.
![Violet- Broadway- GIF- Colin Donnell- Dancing](https://img.broadwaybox.com/photo/image/Colin-dancing.gif)
Now, we are making B’way history with Broadway’s only FREE daily lottery.
![Free GIF](https://img.broadwaybox.com/photo/image/free_1.gif)
That’s right. Each and every weekday, the #BboxLottery gives away two free tickets to a different Broadway show. All you have to do is enter on the site or on the BroadwayBox app between the hours of 12 AM and 3 PM. And each weekday when you come back, it's a new show and a new chance to win.
![I'm so excited GIF- SAVED BY THE BELL GIF](https://img.broadwaybox.com/photo/image/excited_gid.gif)
And if you share on social media and your friends enter, you get extra entries. It’s all explained right here in the rules.
![Friends TV GIF](https://img.broadwaybox.com/photo/image/friends_GIF.gif)
So in honor of the historic BroadwayBox lotto, we are pouring one out for the legendary B’way lottos that came before us.
RENT, 1996-2008
Wicked, 2003-
The Book of Mormon, 2011-
Newsies, 2012-2014
Aladdin, 2014-
Hamilton, 2015-
So enter today, enter tomorrow, enter every day in the #BboxLottery.