Extra! Extra! Hey look at the headlines! Historical news is being made.

For over 10 years, BroadwayBox has made its name in discount tickets to Broadway and off-Broadway shows. You want a discount, we got it. No membership, no sign-in, just codes. And ,unlike others, we let you pick your seats.

Then we added in content, The Daily Scoop. Daily interviews, tons of GIFs, hour-long YouTube spirals—it’s all there.

Now, we are making B’way history with Broadway’s only FREE daily lottery.

That’s right. Each and every weekday, the #BboxLottery gives away two free tickets to a different Broadway show. All you have to do is enter on the site or on the BroadwayBox app between the hours of 12 AM and 3 PM. And each weekday when you come back, it's a new show and a new chance to win.

And if you share on social media and your friends enter, you get extra entries. It’s all explained right here in the rules.

So in honor of the historic BroadwayBox lotto, we are pouring one out for the legendary B’way lottos that came before us.
RENT, 1996-2008
Wicked, 2003-
The Book of Mormon, 2011-
Newsies, 2012-2014
Aladdin, 2014-
Hamilton, 2015-
So enter today, enter tomorrow, enter every day in the #BboxLottery.