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Grease Star Tommy Bracco Talks Rizzo Envy, Danny Lust & Relating to Sonny

Last updated May 20th, 2014 by Josh Ferri
Grease Star Tommy Bracco Talks Rizzo Envy, Danny Lust & Rel…

Tommy Bracco is taking a break from pushing papes at Newsies to return to high school as Sonny in Paper Mill Playhouse's starry spring production of Grease. BroadwayBox caught up with Bracco to talk about his own time in HS, the greaser he'd be crushing on and the scene from the iconic movie that never fails to crack him up.

1. My crew in high school would best be described as:
Ahhh, I don't know how to answer this one! I honestly wasn't part of a single crew. I bounced around and was friends with them all! I was a nerd, a jock, a mathlete, and a plastic.

2. The Grease character I was most like in high school:
Funny enough, it's actually Sonny. I always felt that I had to have a big personality to make up for my lack in height. What can I say? Some things never change.

Sonny- Grease- GIF

3. The Pink Lady song I wish I could take a crack at:
That's easy. Rizzo's song “There Are Worse Things I Could Do.” I've actually been considering asking Paper Mill if I could understudy the role.

4. The Grease character I probably would have had a crush on in high school:
Back in my high school days, the answer would've been Sandy. The sweet, innocent and gorgeous girl...If I were to go back to high school today, the answer would have to be Danny Zuko (Yep! Wrap your brain around that one!)

Danny Zuko GIF

5. My favorite scene in the movie Grease:
When Jan sings "Brusha brusha brusha." Ha!! I'm actually laughing just thinking about it right now. It gets me every time.

Jan Grease GIF

6. If I wrote a song about my prom night it would be called:
"It's Raining On Prom Night But I'm Dry Under My Burberry Umbrella."

Tommy Bracco- Prom- Umbrella

7. My car in high school would be described as:
The NYC Subway was my mode of transportation back then. I attended LaGuardia High School as a drama major and traveled back and forth from Staten Island for 4 years. For the first week of school I carried around wet wipes to clean the train poles before holding on. Today, I drive a 2001 Mazda Tribute which is even less sexy than the subway.

Subway GIF

See Tommy Bracco rock that leather T-Birds jacket in Paper Mill’s ‘Grease,’ May 28 through June 29.
