In a move that’s equal parts cruel and genius, Richard LaGravenes’s film adaptation of Jason Robert Brown’s The Last Five Years is coming out on Valentine’s Day. Thankfully, you have options, you can ugly cry in the movie theatre or buy it on iTunes and ugly cry in the privacy of your home, drinking wine and eating ice cream.

Or you can get a jump-start, download the film’s soundtrack with Anna Kendrick and Jeremy Jordan and ride that roller coaster of emotions right now. (And while we live for the Sherie/Norbert original recording and adore the Betsy/Adam one, this one has Jeremy Jordan singing Jamie and Anna Kendrick giving you all the emotions…so the answer is yes, you need all three.) Below, BroadwayBox gives the new album a first listen and reacts to each track in GIF.
1. Still Hurting (Anna Kendrick)

2. Shiksa Goddess (Jeremy Jordan)

3. See I’m Smiling (Anna Kendrick)

4. Moving Too Fast (Jeremy Jordan)

5. I’m a Part of That (Anna Kendrick)

6. The Schmuel Song (Jeremy Jordan)

7. Summer in Ohio (Anna Kendrick)

8. The Next Ten Minutes (Jeremy Jordan & Anna Kendrick)

9. A Miracle Would Happen (Jeremy Jordan)

10. Climbing Uphill (Anna Kendrick)

11. If I Didn’t Believe In You (Jeremy Jordan)

12. I Can Do Better Than That (Anna Kendrick)

13. Nobody Needs to Know (Jeremy Jordan)

14. Goodbye Until Tomorrow (Jeremy Jordan & Anna Kendrick)