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The Illusionists Reveal The Most Magical Advice They've Ever Received

Last updated December 9th, 2014 by Josh Ferri
The Illusionists Reveal The Most Magical Advice They've Eve…

Here in New York, we sometimes act like we’ve seen it all; then a show comes along like The Illusionists that just smacks us upside the head. Broadway’s new magic show features seven of the world’s best illusionists performing stunts that will make even the most jaded audience member sit forward in awe.

The Illusionists- GIf- Yu Ho-Jin

The Illusionists- GIf- Kevin James

The Illusionists- GIf- Dan Sperry

BroadwayBox caught up with the guys to find out what the best advice they have received from a mentor about magic and performing has been.

Jeff Hobson (The Trickster)

The Illusionists- Jeff Hobson- Broadway
Photo by Joan Marcus

“I think it’s sort of like with life: you can’t take yourself too seriously; it’s about entertainment in the end. Magic is the vehicle but, in the end, those people need to feel fulfilled and happy to be there. We've all lost our sense of wonder from childhood and this is how to get it back. This is the place.”

Dan Sperry (The Anti-Conjuror)

The Illusionists- Dan Sperry- Broadway
Photo by Joan Marcus

“Best advice I was given is you have to give the audience what they want before you can give them what you want them to have.”

Adam Trent (The Futurist)

The Illusionists- Adam Trent- broadway
Photo by Joan Marcus

“The best advice I’ve ever received was from Mac King, a performer in Las Vegas, and he said, ‘Do as many terrible shows as you can for as many years as you can stand it.’ I was about 10 years old and I went up to him and asked what the secret was to making it in Vegas, and he said, ‘Every time you don't want to perform, perform. Every time you think it it’s going to be awkward or terrible or the situation isn’t right, do it, and after enough times you’ll be able to perform anywhere.’ I performed on the street for over a year and those kind of terrible environments made me bullet proof.”

Andrew Basso (The Escapologist)

The Illusionists- Andrew Basso- Broadway
Photo by Joan Marcus

“Be yourself and try to take out what’s really inside; don’t copy others. If you want to be a great artist, you have to be yourself.”

Aaron Crow (The Warrior)

The Illusionists- Aaron Crow- broadway
Photo by Joan Marcus

“Stick with the program. Even though you don't succeed with a certain thing, you can make it work if you put effort into it.”

Yu Ho-Jin (The Manipulator)

The Illusionists- Yu Ho-Jin- Broadway
Photo by Joan Marcus

“Magicians have to be truly magical.”

Kevin James (The Inventor)

The Illusionists- Kevin James- Broadway
Photo by Joan Marcus

“I got this from Teller; he said basically that if you love something so much that you would do it for free, you will be successful. I’ve always taken that to heart and realized he’s completely right. Even if I couldn't make a dime performing magic, I would still do it and do it with all my heart. It doesn't feel like a job, it's a delight; it's a way of life.”

Let these guys blow your mind at ‘The Illusionists’ at Broadway’s Marquis Theatre.
