On Broadway Carole King will teach you about being a Natural Woman, and off-Broadway Real Men the Musical
is ready to talk to guys about all things manhood: fatherhood, mid-life crisis, dating, marriage, potency, & sexuality.Below, BroadwayBox catches up with the musical's trio of stars to hear from them about what they think makes a real man.
Stephen G. Anthony

Movie every real man has to see:
Apocalypse Now

Book every real man should read:
Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms
Album every real man has to own:
Sinatra at the Sands
Something that can make every real man cry:
Fantasy Football.
Old school celebrity who is the epitome of cool for all real men:
Steve McQueen

Paul Louis

Movie every real man has to see:
Funny Girl, the remake with Liam Neeson as Fanny Brice.

Book every real man should read:
"What to Expect When Your Wife is Expecting"
Album every real man has to own:
Abbey Road.
Something that can make every real man cry:
Their wife's credit card bill.
Old school celebrity who is the epitome of cool for all real men:
Gene Kelly or Groucho Marx.

Nicholas Santa Maria

Movie every real man has to see:
The Dirty Dozen
Album every real man has to own:
The Dirty Dozen Soundtrack
Book every real man should read:
The Dirty Dozen novelization

Something that can make every real man cry:
The end of The Dirty Dozen.
Old school celebrity who is the epitome of cool for all real men:
Lee Marvin (from The Dirty Dozen).

Learn more about what makes a real man by checking out Real Men The Musical at off-Broadway's New World Stages.