Sh-K-Boom recently released the wonderful cast recording of the off-Broadway gem Daddy Long Legs
with original cast members Megan McGinnis and Paul Alexander Nolan (Nolan has since been replaced by McGinnis' real-life hubby Adam Halpin). The album, like the show is so special, sweeping, and romantic. Below, BroadwayBox reacts in animated GIF as we give Daddy Long Legs a first-listen.1. The Oldest Orphan in the John Grier Home (Megan McGinnis)
2. Who Is This Man (Megan McGinnis)
3. Mr. Girl Hater (Megan McGinnis & Paul Alexander Nolan)
4. She Thinks I’m Old (Paul Alexander Nolan)
5. Like Other Girls (Megan McGinnis & Paul Alexander Nolan)
6. Things I Didn’t Know (Megan McGinnis & Paul Alexander Nolan)
7. What Does She Mean by Love (Paul Alexander Nolan)
8. I’m A Beast (Megan McGinnis)
9. When Shall We Meet (Paul Alexander Nolan)
10. The Color of Your Eyes (Megan McGinnis & Paul Alexander Nolan)
11. The Secret of Happiness (Megan McGinnis)
12. My Manhattan (Megan McGinnis & Paul Alexander Nolan)
13. I Couldn’t Know Someone Less (Megan McGinnis)
14. The Man I’ll Never Be (Paul Alexander Nolan)
15. The Secret of Happiness—Reprise (Megan McGinnis & Paul Alexander Nolan)
16. Graduation Day (Megan McGinnis & Paul Alexander Nolan)
17. Charity (Paul Alexander Nolan)
18. I Have Torn You From My Heart (Megan McGinnis & Paul Alexander Nolan)
19. I’m a Beast—Reprise (Paul Alexander Nolan)
20. All This Time (Megan McGinnis & Paul Alexander Nolan)
Enjoy the beautiful and romantic Daddy Long Legs now off-Broadway at the Davenport Theatre or watch the live stream on their site on December 10.