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Introduce Yourself(ie): 10 Questions with On Your Feet's Young Gloria Estefan, Alexandria Suarez

Last updated November 26th, 2015 by Alexandria Suarez
Introduce Yourself(ie): 10 Questions with On Your Feet's Yo…

Alexandria Suarez makes a most memorable Broadway debut as Little Gloria in the hit musical On Your Feet. Her big, beautiful voice fills the Marquis Theatre, and audiences simply go wild for the young actress who is also known for her roles as Backpack and Naiya on TV's Dora The Explorer. Below, BroadwayBox chats with Suarez about playing Gloria Estefan, her favorite memory from opening night, and life as a self proclaimed geek.

1. My first introduction to Gloria Estefan’s music was:
My parents have exposed me to generations of good music including Gloria. So when I heard her music first at about 3 years old I was totally hooked by her Cuban influences in each song, pop or ballad, and would sing "Wrapped" around the house.

2. My favorite memory with Gloria so far has been:
Any and every moment she is in the theater telling us family stories.

3. The coolest part about opening night of On Your Feet:
One moment Ana and I just looked at each other and hugged and burst into tears together because it is so surreal and also because of the whole journey we have had with each other during the show. The whole company had an immense feeling of pride telling the beautiful story of two Cuban born people on the world's most renowned platform of theater—Broadway.

4. Moment I knew I wanted to be an actress:
Ever since I can remember I have been fascinated with entertaining others in any form of art and hence began my goal to be an actress.

5. Favorite role I’ve played before Gloria:
Has to be on the Christmas SNL special NBC traditionally plays every year in which I am among some kids listening to John Malkovich tell us a horrible rendition of T'was the Night Before Christmas including personal experiences of his woven into the story. The goal was to look uninterested and not laugh which was the greatest challenge of the night because his timing is amazing.

6. Place Dora the Explorer has been that I most want to visit:
Out of all the wonderful places we have been with Dora within each episode, I truly cannot choose one.

7. In 10 years, the role I really want to play is:
I am a firm believer in fate and what is meant for you taking place when it's supposed to. Whatever my career evolves into and whichever role it calls for I would be ecstatic to play. Gloria once told me smiling and hugging me "in ten years, you're Gloria" and I went "in ten years, for you, gladly."

8. The movie I can watch over and over and over is:
Finding Nemo, Marlie and Me or Beaches. Mostly Nemo.

9. One thing I’m really passionate about outside performing:
I am a self proclaimed and known all around Geek. I took my SATs in 7th and 8th grade and scored higher than high school seniors and even did Embryonic Stem Cell Research. I also like to do yoga and bake with my family and friends. I love education and drawing, I write skits from time to time.

10. One piece of advice I’d give to other kids who want to perform:
Just be authentic in anything you are trying or are accomplishing, it will be your specific mark on any industry you enter and you'll be fine.

Get yourself over to Broadway's Marquis Theatre to see Alexandria Suarez's showstopping debut in 'On Your Feet'.
