If you are looking for a one-of-kind musical, check out New York's new import Nevermore: The Imaginary Life and Mysterious Death of Edgar Allan Poe. The show began in Canada, picked up a ton of acclaim and now it's here as a feast for the senses—come on, just look at their striking images! Below, BroadwayBox catches up with the show's titular star, Scott Shpeley, for 10 questions and an NYC-centric selfie.

1. Three words to describe my Nevermore look:
Love, Hope, Tape.
2. The most fascinating thing I’ve learned about Poe:
He was well known for being a scathing literary critic in his time.
3. After the show, I like to:
4. Favorite horror movie of all-time:
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
5. Thing I miss most about Canada:
6. My favorite place I’ve discovered in New York:
The practice room at Steve Maxwell Vintage & Custom Drums.
7. Album I wore out in high school from so many plays:
Weird Al Yankovic’s Off The Deep End
8. I spent my Valentine’s Day this year:
Two shows. 2:30pm. 8:00pm.
9. My must-have item when I travel:
My laptop.
10. IMHO: the #1 reason people should come check out Nevermore is:
It’s an experience. We hope you get swept up into the world and come with us on this adventure.

Enter the exciting and unique world of ‘Nevermore’ at off-Broadway’s New World Stages.