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Here’s Your Airline Highway Pre-Show Playlist, Created by the Cast

Last updated April 29th, 2015 by Josh Ferri
Here’s Your Airline Highway Pre-Show Playlist, Created by t…

There is a party you don’t want to miss happening over at Broadway’s Samuel J. Friedman Theatre, where the fascinating and gripping new American play Airline Highway continues to rage on.

Airline Highway GIF- Broadway

And like any keg party thrown by a hooker and her trans friend (#2015TonyNominees) in the parking lot of the New Orleans motel they live at, $hit gets heavy and intense. So to get you in the mood for Miss Ruby’s living funeral at the Hummingbird Motel, BroadwayBox asked the playwright, Lisa D’Amour, and the cast, What song should I listen to right before I step into the theatre to get me ready for Airline Highway?

Lisa D'Amour

Lisa D'Amour- Airline Highway-

Carolyn Neff

Carolyn Neff- Airline Highway- Gif

K. Todd Freeman

K. Todd Freeman- Airline Highway- Gif

Carolyn Braver

Carolyn Braver- Airline Highway- Gif

Judith Roberts

Judith Roberts- Airline Highway- Gif

Tim Edward Rhoze

Tim Edward Rhoze- Airline Highway- GIF

Joe Tippett

Joe Tippett- Airline Highway- Gif

Ken Marks

Ken Marks- Airline Highway- Gif

Scott Jaeck

Scott Jaeck-- Airline Highway- Gif

Julie White

Julie White- Airline Highway- Gif
