1. If you were a newspaper reporter, what would your beat be?
Something fun like reporting on all the best local food spots in town. That way I could go around EATING at all the best food spots in town. Bonus!
2. What’s the best and worst part of being the only girl among all those newsboys?
I love being around all those boys all the time! We're constantly giving each other a hard time. It's a fun, high energy, prank-filled, competitive, hilarious, and loving atmosphere. Right up my alley. The worst part? Two words: bathroom humor.
3. What reality TV show is can’t-miss for you?
The Bachelor. I'm not proud to admit it, but it is the truth. Can't get enough.
4. Which Broadway leading lady leaves you in awe? If you had to pick just one, who would you watch go read the phone book?
Bernadette Peters.
5. What was your favorite movie-musical growing up?
I had so many favorites. If I had to pick one I might say My Fair Lady. I was obsessed with the part when Eliza yells, "Come on, Dover! Move yer bloomin' arse!" I thought it was the funniest thing ever.