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Five Burning Questions with Newsies' Leading Man Corey Cott

Last updated December 5th, 2013 by Josh Ferri
Five Burning Questions with Newsies' Leading Man Corey Cott

Matinee idol Corey Cott made his Broadway debut fresh out of Carnegie Mellon University as Jack Kelly, the passionate newsboy and artist at the center of Newsies. In the year since joining the mega-popular Disney musical, Cott tied the knot with his college sweetheart Meghan Woollard and adopted an adorable pup named Theo. recently caught up with the Ohio native and all-around teenage dream to ask him our five most burning questions.

1. What’s been your most memorable or even surprising Fansie interaction outside of the stage door?
My wife and I were on our honeymoon in Disney World in Orlando, Florida, and this group of kids came up to us and asked if I was Corey Cott. I was so taken a back—outside 40th and 42nd Streets in Times Square, I didn’t know anyone knew who I was. The kid said, “I was you for Halloween this year,” and I was like, “oh wow that’s so cool.” It was the first time I was recognized outside New York City, so it was pretty surreal. My wife liked it too. [Laughs]

2. Speaking of your honeymoon, you’ve been married almost a year now; what’s biggest piece of marital wisdom that you’ve picked up during that time?
How to be a serving husband is definitely the biggest thing I learned how to do. Just trying to sacrifice as much as I can, making sure that she’s my priority over my career and over my dreams because we chose that commitment. And that is how I truly feel. Just making sure I am reminding myself of that everyday.

3. What TV show are you so addicted to that you would want to join the cast?
It was Breaking Bad or The Office, but right now Homeland. My wife and I love to watch shows together and Homeland is our show right now that we are really really addicted to. Maybe [I could play] an undercover cop in the Middle East or a CIA agent. Or maybe even an undercover terrorist, the double agent who’s all-American and young and charming.

4. Finish this sentence: My biggest indulgence is….
Definitely binging on fast food or pizza after a show. I’m just so hungry after every show.

5. You’re a big Stephen Sondheim fan, right? Which of his songs do you full out perform when you’re all alone?
It is totally “Being Alive” [from Company] with all of the acting choices—in the shower, completely going full out. I think my performance in my shower is better than any audition I will ever give. It’s just so spontaneous and free.
