The 1993 TV adaptation of Gypsy really had it all. It was helmed by Sister Act and Dirty Dancing director Emile Ardolino, it starred Bette Midler as Rose, Elisabeth Moss and Lacy Chabert played Baby Louise and Baby June, and it featured memorable cameos by Broadway’s Andrea Martin, Tony Shaloub, Michael Jeter & Ed Asner; but the highlight of highlights came when Linda Hart (Broadway’s original Velma Von Tussle), Anna McNeely (Broadway’s original Jennyanydots) and Grey Gardens Tony winner Christine Ebersole performed “You Gotta Get a Gimmick.”

For years, this clip has evaded YouTube, but finally some blessed soul by the username Tessie Tura (no joke!) has uploaded it and allowed us to bask in all 5:25 seconds of perfection. Below are just 25 thoughts that came to mind while re-watching the clip for the first time.
- Work that ponytail Linda Hart.
- Stop it with the Ebersole eye roll that goes from :12-:15.
- What is Ebersole’s accent here? It’s fantastic.
- When they walk they all jingle jangle.
- Oh, the song is starting. (:44)
- With the right voice Mazeppa really is a great role.
- “Working in the back row”…Yes ma’am!

- “Boooornn” and “hooonrn.” Gosh, I’m surprised I didn’t come out by the end this number.
- Does Gypsy use this same bump-bump-bump choreography always?

- Sondheim you cheeky savant rhyming Schleppa and Miss Mazeppa. (2:28)
- Electra is definitely the underappreciated stripper in this trio.
- Was I too young to be watching this in ‘93?
- This “I’m electrifying” is so satisfying vocally (3:16).
- Need some GIFs of Ms. McNeely living her life.

- Dat “paid” and “made” though…*snaps*
- Ebersole’s demur bumps are killing me (3:40)
- I never noticed how little ballet she’s doing. She’s just walking and bumping with wings.
- The look Ebersole makes coming out of the spins at 4:08 like Tessie is really concentrating on the choreography or counting steps…genius.

- The growl in "applause"—where’s the Emmy nomination?!?
- Yes, all three at once! (4:26)
- True story: I wore out my CD so much, it wouldn't even play when all three of them came together.
- More GIFS needed.

- “Bump it with trumpet.” Classic. What could beat it? Let’s just finish the number.
- This moment, Anna.

- How lucky to be Cynthia Gibb (or her standby in the same wig) sitting there through every take of this.
Ps: Christine Ebersole is at 54 Below through January 31.