Tony Award nominee Montego Glover is going to have audiences weeping and Living (with a capital L) when she assumes the role of Fantine in Broadway’s Les Miserables
on September 1. In celebration of her casting announcement, BroadwayBox went back to watch her sing “Colored Woman”, the $7 song from the Tony-winning hit Memphis. Below are 21 thoughts we had/shouted at the computer monitor while revisiting that modern classic.—Oh yes, that voice.
—Was this the highlight of the show? It was, right?
—Yes, ma’am! Push him right back. (0:25)

—0:35 needs to be a GIF. In this moment Felicia is dropping everything ‘cause some singing is about to happen.

—Wonder how many records they went through during the B’way run?
—Those “Me”s though. I live. (1:08)
—Sure let’s give Huey a little moment here. (1:24)
—So much record business here. #WerkinTheProp

—And book scene. (1:36-1:49)
—Implied stage direction: Huey exits, Felicia spins toward the crowd to say, ‘I got this now.’ Very when Curtis runs off during “I’m Not Going” to leave Effie alone for her major moment.
—That “running scared” arm also needs a GIF.

—Montego Glover did this eight times a week? #Bless
—Is anyone else getting total Audrey in Little Shop during that trash can moment? (2:16)

—What awards did she win again for this? Good gosh.
—Bye record

—Arms. Arms. Arms. (2:37)

—#Chills, #Tears, #OpeningaTabToGoogleHerLesMizStartDate
—Nothing like a moment where a woman just parks center stage and belts the house down.
—Take that Elphie arms. No one’s going to bring Montego down. (2:48)

—That little jump at the end. (3:04)

—And repeat.
Montego Glover begins performances in 'Les Miserables' at the Imperial Theatre on September 1; don't miss it.