It starts with clearing the next four and half minutes of your life and making sure you're in a place where you can shout and maybe cry.

Look at Cynthia...that hair, that sleek black outfit. Slay star!

Yes to that full orchestra behind her.

:30, ok we’re making some cuts but I'm fine at least she’s here.

Whoever shot this understands that they are making TV history. Bravo, sir or ma'am.

Dose Strings Doe

That whole "got my eyes, got my chair." I'm dying.

If this doesn’t nearly sell out the run, Trump isn’t our worst problem as a country.

And this is where I died. (2:32)

Then there’s such a joy that happens for “I believe I have inside of me” (2:43)

That "bountiful"—where’d that come from?

Miss the stomp she does for "tallest tree" during the show (#SuperFan) but I’m living for these growls.

Someone watching this needs to offer her an album like yesterday.

That fist pump is mood.

Then it’s so soft, so delicate.

It was during this “I’m beautiful” that I knew I’d be pressing repeat for the better part of an hour.

Those final notes. Slay queen.

This is the Broadway equivalent of watching Khaleesi walk through fire time and again on Game of Thrones, 'cause every time you're like, 'Damn, I will follow you anywhere.'

Yes, standing ovation after. Damn right.

And repeat.

See Cynthia Erivo do this live in The Color Purple at the Jacobs Theatre.